Give a Girl the right pair of shoes and she can conquer the world.

The most common questions I see asked over and over again by new runners?

“What type of shoes do you wear?” and “I’m just starting out, what type of shoes should I get”

When I started to think about running, I probably asked the same thing. I do know that I went out and just bought a pair of “running shoes” at Kohl’s. I did based on the colors of the shoe. After running for almost 2 years now, I cringe at the thought.

Dyad 7
Dyad 7

I’ll honestly answer the first question. I love my Dyad 7’s. I am currently on my 2nd pair and will be running my 3rd Half Marathon in them. But that doesn’t mean they are the shoes for everyone! It took me a few different shoes to find these guys, and as much as I love them… I am not so in love with them that I wouldn’t ditch them in a heartbeat if I find a pair that works better for me. I started off in those *cute* Nikes I got at Kohl’s. They were ok while I was working through the C 2 5K program. When I started logging more miles and talked to my friends that were already running, I finally headed to a local running store for a real fitting. After a couple of different shoes, I ended up in my Dyads.

Stride Analysis
Stride Analysis

Which brings me to my answer for question #2. I don’t know what type of shoes you should get. I do know that you should head to your local running store (Not a large chain like Dick’s or Sports Authority) and get a stride analysis and fitting. It is amazing what you will learn, and your feet will thank you for it. It’s not scary, no one will judge you. You will probably find some of your biggest cheerleaders there! They are (typically) people who are experts in this, and passionate about running. They will work with you to get you in the shoes that are completely correct for you based on your build, stride, foot strike, and so more. Be prepared to try on a ton of styles until you find what feels the best to you. Be honest when they ask you how they feel, and don’t be ashamed to ask to try on a pair again to compare them to another pair.

I will say this, be prepared for a little bit of sticker shock. The most expensive pair of shoes in my closet are my running shoes. And it’s not just the shoes, you will be amazed at the difference that a good pair of running socks will make. And just like shoes, there are different types and styles… and what works for one person, may not work for you!



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