It Takes a Village

It Takes a Village
Find Some Support

Even though I am starting this fitness journey by myself, I can say I am definitely I am not heading down the path alone. No, I don’t have a coach, I’m not a member of a gym, or even a running group. But I don’t think that makes me very different than so many other people that are trying to  get fit. But like I said, I am not heading that path alone. I am constantly looking for people to inspire and support me, as well as resources for information, tips, and ideas.


Websites and Blogs


My biggest tip though, is get involved! Yes, listening to podcasts, reading blogs, etc is GREAT… but to really grow that village, interact! I encourage you to leave comments and ask questions! If someone if putting out great fitness content, they are as passionate about it as you are! They are excited to know they are inspiring you and typically are happy to answer your questions. The more involved you are, the more involved your village will be in supporting you in this journey! If you want to be a part of my community – please feel free to follow me on Twitter (@TinkFan) and Instagram (@TinkFan)



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