Training Log – Week Seven

Training Log

Another week that did not go the way I planned. At All. I am trying to not get frustrated. We all have bad weeks. I need to find what triggers bad weeks (at least nutritionally-wise) and what I can do to combat it.

Fox Sports TV Braodcast
Hey… That’s us on the TV!

Out of my scheduled workouts, I actually got in *most* of them. Thursday, I skipped my run to head off to the Suns Game with the family. I mean, I deserve a little fun every now and then, right? Heck, apparently we even made it on Fox Sports! I think I am most frustrated with this week’s long run though.

I had 10 miles on the calendar. I had to do something I have never done before in all my training… I called WO to come pick me up. I planned to run my 10 on the Skunk Creek Trail. It would be a simple down and back, with plans to meet up for Starbucks and grocery shopping. The first 4.5 were going fairly well, though I was starting to feel that nagging pull at my hip and knee. I started to increase my walk breaks, but as I was coming up to mile 5, I was really starting to feel it. I turned back and was trying to run when I could, but by 5.5 miles

I was questioning my ability to run more than 1 minute before I would need to walk again. I knew there was a park coming up, and I made the decision. With 7 week left before the race… I couldn’t risk doing serious damage. I was feeling the pain even walking at that point. I admit that I was sitting on a hill in that park crying for a bit; disappointed in myself for giving up on that long run, as well as being worried about my ability to finish this race at my goal pace.

But it is time to shake off a bad week, and get focused since a new week starts tomorrow. And next week should look something like this.

My training schedule for next week
My training schedule for next week

My fingers are crossed for a better week. Both physically and mentally. It is getting to be crunch time, I need a couple of solid long runs before it is time to start tapering my distances.




  • Jesryl on

    I didn’t realize that Disney was your first half, as it was mine as well! No wonedr I like you so much great minds thinking alike! I’m excited you were able to take advantage of the opportunity to run the Disney Princess half and hurrah for airline miles.I’d love to run something epic like Boston or NYC, but kind of dream of running that one on the Great Wall of China. How crazy would that be?!Alicia from Poise in Parma recently posted..


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