It’s Workout Time!

Welcome June… and welcome new training plan!

I ended up spending a little more time than I had originally planned in “Recovery” mode. Mainly because while I was getting ready to ramp back up, WO convinced me that waiting until June 1st was better. So, I relaxed and ate way too much for the last 3 weeks.

But now it is June 1, and time to kick it up a notch. I was a little relieved with my weigh in this morning, I was anticipating it being a lot worse. So now we start to cut out a lot of the added sugar, cut back on beer and wine, and really start looking at our diets. Oh, and start up the work outs again.

Wish us luck! Here is to a super healthy summer and getting ready for Wine and Dine!


  • Manu on

    Loved this recap! I ran the race last year and felt like you were reading my mind on some of the conemmts. Hope to go back in a year or so and will train for a stop-and-start half because all that stopping and going again after pictures made a huge difference (and NOT in a good way!) We missed the runners retreat last year after reading your report, I won’t miss it again!!


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