On Writing and Re-Branding

I always find that I figure out that I miss something at the oddest times.

Let’s take a look at writing… I write every day at the office. Emails, reports, audits, content… you name it, and I am writing it. But last night, while helping WO fine tune his resume, I realized that I miss writing – even though I seem to be constantly doing it.

Maybe the issue is that I am not writing about what I am truly passionate about. Yes, I can blog about replacement windows; but while I am invested in writing a piece that is informational, sharable, and valuable for my client and their audience, I am not personally passionate about windows. However, editing my husband’s resume made me very happy and content. Obviously I am passionate about sharing his knowledge and skills (and helping him land a possible dream job)

So it is obviously time to brush off the blog, and start writing about the things I am passionate about again. At the same, I don’t think I am who I was when I started this blog. I don’t know if the title and theme fit anymore. I think it may be time for some personal re-branding.

It’s not going to be easy. I have learned enough to know that if branding a company is hardwork, branding yourself is even harder. After all, you need to pull together your professional and personal lives and figure out how those two aspects of your life can “play nice” together. I try to really be myself at work and my dealing with clients, so I think that I am fairly authentic at work, but at the same time… I am not sure how to mesh my professional opinions, my personal struggles (let’s be honest, we all have them) and my family life into one over-arching “Personal Brand”

Maybe it is because I am getting closer and closer to the dreaded 4-0, but I have been strangely introspective lately. (That should be obvious just by this post)

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  • David on

    Nice article, Lisa. Your thoughts are something we can all heed! Keep writing!


  • Lisa on

    Thanks David. It isn’t easy to fit yet one more thing into a schedule that is already WAY overcrowded, but is definitely something that is going to become more of a priority.


    • Rohit on

      I love running, epeicsally long distances, but marathons are definitely not for everyone. For a lot of people it is a one shot bucket list thing, but I think that is great too. Marathons have to be experienced. They can never be explained.5K’s and 10K’s are great runs to do and you can find a lot just about every weekend of the year. Keep running!


  • Shammamy on

    I completely agree with this! I think the eeassit way to do seating is to take an afternoon and some popcorn and wine (if that’s your thing!) and churn it out. As much as your wedding is about you, it’s also about the fact that your guests have travelled from near and far to be with you on this day, and you want to make sure it’s a comfortable situation for them as well.


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