A New Year, A New Direction

Wow. It’s been awhile.

It’s been awhile because I have finally taken a minute to sit down and think about what is really important to me. I mean, a lot of things have been going on and my life really hadn’t been in focus lately. Looking back across a lot of my posts, I finally realized what journey I want to chronicle here. I was actually amazed that there isn’t a post that even touches on what is quickly becoming a large part of my life.

2014 TinkerBell Half Marathon
2014 TinkerBell Half Marathon

Taking a quick jump back to right before my 40th Birthday; I found out something new about Disney. (Yes, it is still possible for me to learn things about Disney) They actually have a division that puts on races that take place in the Disney Parks. Not only that, they had a TinkerBell themed race. I was intrigued, but I had never run more than 1 mile, and that was back in elementary school during the Presidential Fitness Challenge. But I was struggling with turning 40; you could say I was facing a midlife crisis. So – at 40 years old, I decided I was going to run my first ever race, and not only that… I was going to run a half marathon.

So I started training. I was going it alone – I didn’t want WO to run with me. This was just for me. My goal was to cross the finish line upright, and then if I never wanted to run again in my life, I wouldn’t have to. Funny thing though, as training progressed, and I was regularly running 4 miles, my goals began to morph as well. Suddenly, I was thinking about finishing STRONG. After a few more weeks, I was thinking about finishing in less than 3 hours (the race has a time limit of 3 hours and 30 minutes). I was suddenly becoming a Runner.

TinkerBell Half Marathon 2014 Finish
TinkerBell Half Marathon 2014 Finish

I finished the race, upright and 2 hours 48 minutes. I had an amazing experience, and as I took my picture with my finisher’s medal, I was already planning my next race.

Fast forward to today… I have completed 2 half marathons (the TinkerBell Half Marathon and the Avengers Half Marathon). Next Monday, I start training for the 2015 TinkerBell Half Marathon, and we have 2 other races on the calendar. Which brings us to the blog. It’s time to track my journey to becoming a better runner and healthier person overall.

I hope y’all hang around, because I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you!



  • Luiza on

    Yes! I saw the AC Marathon too and that medal looks awesome! I want to do next years for sure. They also have an April Fool Half Marathon and that medal looks prtety sweet too.


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