I Love My Bed Too Much, and It’s Becoming a Problem

I know that to continue to improve my running, I need to start getting cross-training into my schedule. I have been trying to incorporate pilates into my regular training schedule, and I am just having a tough time.

My week is supposed to look like this: Monday I get home from work, and quickly change and turn on my pilates videos. Tuesday is an easy run. Wednesday is pilates again, and then Tempo or Intervals on Thursday. Friday is, yep you guessed it, pilates, and then an easy shakedown run Saturday morning and my long run on Sunday morning.

What my week ends up looking like is more like this: Monday I get home from work, and quickly change and turn on my pilates videos. One kid is already at the dance studio by then, and I can rely on WO to get the other one from cheer practice while I am getting in my 40 minutes of pilates in. Tuesday is an easy run; I come home get changed, grab my head phones and go. Wednesday, I get home. One kid is usually struggling with homework, the other is watching YouTube on the XBox. I am exhausted and don’t have the energy to fight for the TV, so I just give up. Thursday, I get home and head out for a run. A workout on Friday after work is usually a lost cause.

In doing some reading, I really think my solution seems obvious. Work out in the morning before heading off to work. For the past 3 weeks, I have even had my alarm set for the last 3 weeks. The problem is, I can’t drag myself out of bed to save my life. Most days WO is up and out the door by 4am, so you would think that me getting up with him should be easy. But my love affair with my bed is too strong. I cannot drag myself out of that bed to save my life.

What are your tricks for getting up for those early morning workouts?



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