Training Log – Week 5

Training Log

I can’t believe we are 5 weeks in. I gave myself an even bigger break on diet and cross training this week. It was a pretty tough week emotionally, and not beating myself over my “slips” was a welcome break, although I think I am starting to pay the price. I pushed myself on all my runs, including my 5 miles on Thursday that was just awful. It was a run that everything that could hurt; did hurt. I just kept going to get the miles in, even though all I wanted to was to turn around and head home. I skipped yesterday’s 3 mile easy run. We decided that it was time for some family fun and we headed to Arizona Aloha Festival. I enjoyed a GREAT cheat day of culture, music, dancing and had a fabulous Plate Lunch (the Kalua Pork was to die for) and Shave Ice. I figure all the walking around more than covered the 3 miles easy I was supposed to do.

Looking ahead… it’s time to get serious!

My training schedule for week 6
Time to Get Serious

There are only 8 weeks to go before the race! No more skipping cross training and I have to get my nutrition under control. Lately my long runs are coming in a but slower than my target pace is, but I am trying to not freak myself out. I have never trained to increase speed before, but I know that the adrenaline on race day will carry me pretty far. I am currently trying to focus more on completing negative splits (when you fast the longer you run) since I know the 1st of the course is where it will be more crowded, and I will also be stopping for pictures. The 2nd half, once we leave the parks, is the time to turn on the speed to make up some time. So even on easy runs I am trying to focus on being faster the 2nd half of every run I do.


  • Cesarrxx on

    I totally got the whole Beast-scared-face thing, I did! Haha no yiwanng was perceived. Your outfit is so cute even if not as intense as the other girls’ I love those too tho, what a fun race, I’m jealous! Was there really a no texting rule?! Was that for safety’s sake or security’s? And hey, was there a no TWEETING rule? Haha love those medals too, so adorable. I’ve never seen Tangled either!Caitlin recently posted..


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