Can you Help?

Ok, so we are taking a quick tangent to talk some family business. I have some amazing kids. OK, they are typical kids that have issues, back talk, and don’t do their chores without constant reminding, but other than that they are pretty awesome.

dani londonThe oldest – who I like to call The Diva – is a very accomplished cheerleader and dancer. She was named Cheer Captain of the Varsity Squad and Student Director of Performance Dance. In addition to those things, and the time commitment that comes with it, she is also a member of Marching Band and a member of the National Honor Society. At cheer camp last week, she was selected to be on the UCA All American Team. A great honor, and along with that honor comes an awesome opportunity – to travel to London to perform in the New Year Day Parade. I would move Heaven and Earth to get her there, but we simply can’t cover the cost of the trip.

Let’s be honest. When we were younger – WO and I weren’t the most financially responsible. And in the past year, we have started doing better… but we don’t have a whole heck of a lot in savings. Now, it is killing me to not be able to write out a check, and tell The Diva to pack her bags, she is going to London. She is currently out looking for businesses and individuals that might be able to sponsor her, she has opened an Etsy store where she will be selling Cheer Bows, handmade jewelry and other cool things, she has set up a Go Fund Me account and is planning a handful of fundraising. But the crunch is on. We have a little less than a month to get the deposit together, and then less than 3 months to get the balance together. I hate to see her work so hard just to make this a possibility, when many of the other girls selected were able to pay for the trip right away. This girl is amazing – not only

Cheer and dance are expensive sports, and thanks to team and studio fundraising, we are able to afford it. But those fundraisers help with squad and studio sponsored events only. This trip, since she would be making it as an individual, is not eligible for those funds. Please… if you can – you can visit her Go Fund Me page HERE.  Every little bit helps, and even if you can’t donate… please share her story and link!



  • Mom on

    keep me posted on if she makes her goal for the deposit. Hoping I can contribute significantly if she can get the deposit.


    • Thomas on

      می‌گه:salam man google cromo gaeeftrm vali baraye downloade IMDB error mide .bayad chi car konam.AGE MISHE JAVABO BE EMAILAM BEDIN AGE MITONIN


  • Rahul on

    Go to our resources page, click the seehtlr link, select women’s seehtlr and enter the rest of your info. It will show you women’s seehtlrs in your area that will be able to help you and or give you advice on what to do with you situation. They might know where a food bank and maybe a day job. they will also be able to help you with your felines.


  • Tanim on

    i am not hpmeless yet, but soon, hope i can get an rv and kive in it with my feeilns’ really kind of frightened right now have no savings and very little income anyone have any sujjestions? THXS C..


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