Retail Therapy – a girl needs some new shoes

Most experts say that a good pair of running shoes should last between 300 – 500 miles before they should be replaced. Well friends, my trusty Brook’s Dyads are coming up on that milestone. I know since I jumped off the treadmill the other day and it felt like I ran in my bare feet. A sure sign that those suckers are done.

TinkerBell Design New Balance Shoes
I want these – people they glow in the dark!!!!

I’ve raced three races in the same style Dyads, and I could simply buy the latest version of them, but I think I want to try a few new pairs out. With New Balance having the runDisney line (including adorable TinkerBell ones) I want to see if they give me support and cushioning that I like, because I am not going to be dropping that sort of cash on shoes I wouldn’t even be able to run in!

With that being said, I will be scheduling some time at my local running store, Tortoise and Hare, to try on some new shoes and have them take a look to see what works well for me. Obviously this will become a new blog post as well, but I was wondering if you have any questions you would like me to ask! Let me know in comments and I’ll be sure to ask them!



  • Katie on

    I know it’s not your focus, but it’d be great if you could post some costume ideas for guys (or links to pages with that kind of stuff). My girlirfend always comes up with great outfits for the Disney races, and I keep drawing a blank! though I *did* run Tink 2012 in my brand-new Team Sparkle purple wings, and they looked great!


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