Does Music Fuel Your Runs?

I find it very funny that while a majority of the time at my office and during my commute I listen to podcasts; during workouts and runs I have to have music. I have tried listening to podcasts as I work out, but I find that I just can’t focus on someone’s speaking voice while I am running. It may have something to do with the fact that I have a hard time finding my stride and running rhythm and something as simple as someone’s speaking cadence can throw me off. (which probably also explains why I run alone most of the time)

Are your headphones an essential part of your running gear?
Are your headphones an essential part of your running gear?

Apparently running while listening to music and having your headphones on is apparently a bit of a debate. I understand both sides quite honestly… but as a new runner, and someone who runs in a very boring area, I can’t imagine not having some sort of music on. I do run as safely as possible – I only use one earbud, leaving my left ear free so I am aware of what is happening around me. But regardless, I can’t imagine running without my tunes. Since I run alone a lot – I use it to check my effort level. You know how you should be able to carry on a conversation during an easy run? Well, since I don’t have anyone to talk to (other than myself – and I do that enough in normal, everyday life) I test my effort on whether or not I can sing along.

I am not alone. There have been studies that music does help you in a workout. I really do agree with a lot of the things this particular article brings up – some of the songs in my playlist are not what you would typically consider upbeat running songs, but the motivation behind them really push me to keep going or remind me why I started this journey in the first place.

As we get closer to TinkerBell Half Marathon, I am really starting to drill down my Running Playlist. I admit I have some songs on there that I will skip through when it is easy enough to (mainly during treadmill workouts) I need to sit down and pull those out, as well as buy a few more songs to add (top of my list is Uptown Funk)

What about you? Do you listen to something as you run? I want to know what fuels your runs and what songs I must have on my playlist!



  • Anisha on

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