When Life Takes Over

It happens to the most dedicated. Life simply gets in the way of scheduled workouts, training runs and the like. If you have followed any of my Training Logs, you know that it happens to me more than I would prefer to admit. This week has become no exception, and yesterday I was really feeling like I was completely failing at my training plan for the upcoming TinkerBell Half Marathon. I had missed runs, and missed a lot of cross training and strength training. Never mind that just last Sunday, I ran 13.1 miles – and did it only a few minutes slower than my 1st TinkerBell – and I wasn’t feeling too sore at all.

But when life gets in the way, it’s very easy to forget those things. I am sitting here today, knowing it is a run day, and keeping my fingers crossed that I can get my mileage in and struggling to not worry too much about the race. I need to get out of this funk and take 2 weeks to reset, but in a responsible way. I know that trying to pack in speed work right now won’t get me any faster for the race and will probably end up getting me hurt. But I do want focus on strengthening my quads and glutes right up to the time we leave. I think the most important part of my reset will be my diet though. I have really gotten really off track with my nutrition, and I am really starting  see the affects, both physically and mentally.

I am hoping that today’s run helps with a mental re-boot to get things back on track. I think I may do one last push and run hard tonight, not because I think it will help my race performance, but because I know that using all my energy and working my body hard I have a better chance of this “sweat therapy” working!



  • Pasha on

    Tower of Terror is my absolute faivtore. I rode it about 10 times in a row with my dad. As a special bonus, it broke one time (before we got up to the top) so they had to back the car into the section you travel through at first with different scenes, and turn the lights on so we could get out. YAY behind the scenes tour! We went to the front of the line after that and got on the next ride up; it didn’t stop us. Sounds like an awesome but tiring weekend!Allie recently posted..


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